Acclaimed singer-songwriter and composer Peg Luke recently released an Immortal, Invisible-inspired track called “Almighty, Victorious.” The Emmy and Grammy-nominated artist reveals: “I heard the bagpipes and the fiddle in this tune one morning when I woke up. It was in the forefront of my mind many mornings, so I finally wrote it down and then paired it with some of my favorite lyrics from the old hymn tune, ‘Immortal, Invisible’ and from there the tune took flight.”
Always praising the Almighty in her music, Peg Luke says: “My Godly beliefs have kept me alive. Without God, I would not be here. I have too much hardship in my life battling a rare and painful autoimmune disease that keeps me isolated during this pandemic, losing so many of my friends and family, and keeping my music alive. My faith is everything to me. That is why it has become such a big part of my music testimony.”
Luke doesn’t force her sound on people and believes that the ever-evolving sound that music has faced over the years is part of the natural course: “I think there is a thread that attaches all music together. You can’t make people listen to a certain type of music, you have to bring it to them. It is important that our music continues to evolve and reinvent itself.”
With “Almighty, Victorious” out for the listeners to enjoy, Peg Luke is now focused on releasing her upcoming single “I Am Home, Lord.” The track holds a special place in the artist’s heart and is written as a tribute to all the refugees around the world.
Listen to “Almighty, Victorious” here: