Future Popstar Emily Litta Shines In Her Latest Feel-Good Single “Messy”

Brilliant singer Emily Litta shares her powerful talent in a new single called “Messy.” The young artist shines with her relaxing vocals while the catchy background beats and unusual sound effects give the purposeful track a unique composition that’s full of originality and innovation. 

The productive Emily Litta puts out a completely new take on pop and r&b with each song and the case couldn’t have been truer with her recent one, “Messy.” Starting out with industrial sound effects that seem to be unfitting, the catchy melodies quickly take over showing just how fitting the whole bit really is. Followed by the artist’s resonating lyrics, the chorus kicks in and the whole song comes to life with its bizarre yet original sounds like church bells and electric guitar swirls.

A one of a kind singer-songwriter who has a rich international background, Emily Litta is the epitome of modern pop and her outstanding singles show just that. In a recent Instagram post, the young singer wrote about her new single “Messy”, saying, “the new track is out and it’s gonna be a little bit of a throwback.” She continues, “I’m starting light before hitting ya with the big guns,” alluding to her upcoming projects!

For more make sure to follow Emily Litta on:  InstagramSpotify TikTokSoundcloud