Jerry Jones Reveals How Much He Could Sell The Cowboys For

Richard Rodriguez/Getty Images

Jerry Jones’ answer may surprise you.

Jerry Jones is easily the most famous owner in the entire NFL. He is the man in charge of the Dallas Cowboys, and he is certainly passionate about his team. Having said that, Jones understands just how much his team and franchise are worth. After all, they are the most recognizable team in the entire NFL, and they have enough NFL titles to backup their fame.

With that being said, some are curious about how much the Cowboys are worth. The Denver Broncos are set to sell for $4.5 million and there is discourse about what each team should be worth, at least on paper. While talking to Peter King of NBC, Jones claimed that his Cowboys would sell for $10 billion tomorrow.

Jerry Jones

Jamie Squire/Getty Images

“Let me make this very clear,” Jones said. “I’ll say it definitively. I will never do it. I will never sell the Cowboys. Ever. […] The NFL, in my mind, the visibility, the volume, the overall passion, you frankly can’t get it anywhere else. That’s why all these people want a piece of it.”

$10 billion seems like a pretty steep price to pay especially since the franchise is currently evaluated at $6.5 billion. Either way, Jones is correct about one thing. The NFL is extremely lucrative, and investors would be tripping over themselves to get in on the profits.

Jerry Jones

Rey Del Rio/Getty Images


Jerry Jones’ answer may surprise you.

Jerry Jones is easily the most famous owner in the entire NFL. He is the man in charge of the Dallas Cowboys, and he is certainly passionate about his team. Having said that, Jones understands just how much his team and franchise are worth. After all, they are the most recognizable team in the entire NFL, and they have enough NFL titles to backup their fame.

With that being said, some are curious about how much the Cowboys are worth. The Denver Broncos are set to sell for $4.5 million and there is discourse about what each team should be worth, at least on paper. While talking to Peter King of NBC, Jones claimed that his Cowboys would sell for $10 billion tomorrow.

Jerry Jones

Jamie Squire/Getty Images

“Let me make this very clear,” Jones said. “I’ll say it definitively. I will never do it. I will never sell the Cowboys. Ever. […] The NFL, in my mind, the visibility, the volume, the overall passion, you frankly can’t get it anywhere else. That’s why all these people want a piece of it.”

$10 billion seems like a pretty steep price to pay especially since the franchise is currently evaluated at $6.5 billion. Either way, Jones is correct about one thing. The NFL is extremely lucrative, and investors would be tripping over themselves to get in on the profits.

Jerry Jones

Rey Del Rio/Getty Images
