Drex Carter, Redveil, and Kkami Go ‘Live From The Matrix’

When three powerhouses work together, you know you can expect a fire track. Last week, Drex Carter and Redveil dropped on ‘Live From The Matrix,’ which was produced by Kkami. For those unfamiliar, Drex & Kkami are both members of seeyousoon, a hip-hop collective that FUXWITHIT has been keeping a close eye on.

The release comes with a full experience. A song, a music video, and even an environmentally friendly NFT! The tune itself is soft and melodic, fitting in well with the budding genre of conscious rap. Drex Carter and Redveil’s rhymes mesh frictionlessly together as they spit bars that touch on today’s current events. And the music video encompasses the whole release perfectly. It blends elements of old and new, incorporating points of view from a vintage cam recorder that contrasts with the more abstract futuristic visual design edits.

Check out the video below and visit thefutureisyourfriend.com to learn more.