ELOHIM‘s vocals and crisp production skills have been a staple in this scene for many years. Her passion and drive throughout her journey shines on a whole other level. Leading her down many paths of riches and colorful memories. The spark illuminating from her productions and contributions to the scene will always be timeless. And to celebrate her newest stellar release, ‘Can’t Remember Your Name,’ we wanted to welcome her with open arms through her very own interview! Within, we’ll be talking about the origins of her project, the process of creating the new single, and so much more! Diving deep while she tells us about her life as well as her plans for the future!
If you’ve been in this scene for some time now, then you would’ve come across her works one way or another. Her magical originals speak volumes while driving a powerful and relentless force of good. Not to mention she’s also worked with some other powerful artists such as Skrillex, Whethan, and Louis The Child! Her mark on the industry is one to behold. Contributing so much to listeners everywhere. Making her an absolute icon and inspiration for many. We’re stoked to see and hear what’s next in her journey! So make sure to check out the full interview below as well as stream her newest single everywhere!
First off, thank you so much for taking the time for this interview! How’re you? Anything new?
Thank YOU for wanting to interview me! I am alright! Every day is different some days are harder than others, some days are filled with serotonin so it’s an ever-changing answer to that question. New hmm yes I am working out pretty much every day and that is new for me and really helpful!
Congratulations on your newest release! What was the creative process like when molding ‘Can’t Remember Your Name?’
Thank you! This process for the whole album including ‘Can’t Remember Your Name’ was different! I spent a lot of time initially just sitting at the piano or writing while driving or while lying in bed. And then I would go into the studio put down a simple piano part and track my vocal to either just a click track or a simple piano track. I would then work with collaborators and produce around my vocals. It was a really fun way to create. For reference in the past, I would go into the studio with nothing and kinda do it all in that day. I still do that lots but this album in particular was a lot of sitting at the piano and writing melodies and lyrics.
It was an outlet for me to try new things and to be authentically me.
Your voice has been an absolute staple in the music industry for many years now, what’re the origins of your project? How did it form into what it is today?
Well that is an extremely kind statement so thank you for making me smile!! It really just started from experimenting. I would go to the studio every evening and stay until 4 am creating trying new things and learning. It was such a special time because I had no clue what would happen with the project. It was an outlet for me to try new things and to be authentically me. By doing that it has been really cool to see the response and connection some people had to the lyrics and message and music. Nothing makes me happier than someone finding comfort in the music I have made. There is really nothing else I could hope for.
Growing up, what kind of music did your parents play in the household? And did those artists or overall music inspire any future creations you made?
A lot of Pink Floyd! U2! Lots of jazz and blues. Jimmy Hendrix! Fleetwood Mac. Steve Vai. And a lot of alternative music played on kroq (local los angeles radio station). I also grew up exclusively studying classical piano so yes I think everything they played and my studies definitely influenced my music-making!
You are one of one and what you create cannot be created by another human being.
From stellar original works that truly speak from the heart to working with artists such as Skrillex, Louis The Child, and Whethan, do you have any words of wisdom or advice to women who are trying to push their vision through their art in such a crazy industry?
I find this industry has always been hard but it feels as if it is getting harder and harder. My advice is to stay true to you. You are one of one and what you create cannot be created by another human being. Focus on you and your goals and what you love. Trust your gut! Work and write as much as possible. Take care of YOU!
Did you always want to pursue a career in music or were there other professions or interests that spoke to you on a similar level?
It has always been music for me! It is all I have ever known. I cannot imagine doing anything else!
The beautiful thing about music is it is infinite! You can always learn more, you can always write more, you can always discover more. It is truly never-ending…
Your journey of self-expression and empowerment through your words, productions, and more have touched the souls of many, where do you see the Elohim project in a few years down the line?
I hope the project is floating through the universe still finding its way into people’s hearts minds souls and ears! The beautiful thing about music is it is infinite! You can always learn more, you can always write more, you can always discover more. It is truly never-ending… One of the rare things on this planet that are like that! All I can hope for is that I am still making a living through music and able to create while giving people something new they have not heard before!
What kind of hobbies do you have outside of the music realm? What brings you happiness and peace of mind?
Lately working out helps so much with my mind and its chaotic nature so I am really into working out. Honestly, I also love watching television and I LOVE taking baths. I love walking and hiking. Being in nature is really healing. I enjoy grocery shopping. Haha.
If you could perform anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose and why?
Anywhere! Maybe Palm Springs? Maybe Japan? Maybe Europe? Palm Springs because I feel happy in the desert. Japan because I’ve never been and it looks very cool! Europe because wow so much to explore that I never have! I truly just pray for my body and mind to calm down enough to allow me to perform anywhere!
What’s next for you? Any exciting updates or plans for 2024?
Yes! Tons of writing and releasing an album and hopefully some special meaningful shows.
We are all human, life is strange but also can be really beautiful. Hang on keep going you are AMAZING.
Thank you again for spending time with us! Any last words you’d like to say to our readers out there?
Whatever you’re going through I want you to know you’re not alone. We are all human, life is strange but also can be really beautiful. Hang on keep going you are AMAZING.