Dirty Harry Brings The Urban Spirit Back To Hip-Hop With New Drop “Shake Back”

Hip-hop is not what it used to be, and arguing with this statement would be impossible. It is hard to tell if the turns the urban music took are the best or worse, but the fact is that a lot has changed since the ’80s 90’s old school days. OG rap is not only about the beats; it is equally about the themes. The new school’s problem is that the majority of artists do not hail from the streets, and obviously, they can’t know the real problems of the streets. Florida-based Hip-Hop artist Dirty Harry, however, has a different story. His urban background is strong. 

The artist is native to the urban lifestyle; his roots come from the streets, and he derives the urban art deservedly. The artist’s new power drop “Shake Back,” a follow-up to the very successful releases of “Blue Face” and “Sleepless Nights,” breaths the urban spirit back into the hip-hop scene masterfully. Harry talks about the average middle-class lifestyle of American people: workers who struggle to make the ends meet. The artist does not go after the hype of rapping on lavish and fancy lifestyle; he chose to stay true to his art, and “Shake Back” is the expressive evidence of it.