Today marks 11 years of FUXWITHIT. It’s an odd birthday. The decade milestone was something I dreamed we would get to. Ten years plus another one doesn’t quite have the same feeling.
Last year I listed some of the astounding numbers that characterized 10 years while also reminding our fans it’s never been about the numbers. As I reflect on 11 years that statement is truer than ever, but if I’m really honest it wasn’t always the case. There were times when I was obsessed with traffic metrics, social media growth, engagement, and a quest to keep getting bigger and better. As I look back on 11 years I realize how little those numbers truly matter. I don’t remember the day we cracked “x” page views or that night we hit a certain follower count. I remember all the beautiful moments along the journey.
I remember starting a platform from nothing with one of my friends. I remember staying out all hours of the night at shows and having to get up early to go to class or my office job the next morning. The dread of having to wake up in 3 hours being washed away by the beauty of a night of pure joy. I remember the connections made and experiences lived. I remember all the articles we have poured all our souls into. The massive guest mixes and interviews with our favourite artists. Helping break unknowns who would become breakout stars.
This platform has allowed me to connect and share the work of some of the most incredible creative people I’ve ever encountered, from the amazing producers and DJs to the creators on our team. I’ve met friends across the country and around the world. FUXWITHIT has taken me to places I’d never expected and allowed me to truly be myself, opening new doors and adventures every year.
I used to use these annual posts as a way to hype up the future and growth potential on the horizon. But with each passing year, I realize that what excites me isn’t the next big thing but the journey as a whole and the experiences that you can’t predict. I’m just happy to still be enjoying the ride.
Thanks for fucking with us.